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The Power of Authenticity

Writer's picture: Tina B.Tina B.

The Power of Authenticity

I have a cold. I feel tired. I just came back from an amazing conference with the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants in Kentucky. I was feeling great and on a high. Sunday evening, I started to feel tired with muscle aches and a stuffy nose. My first thought was allergies. I dutifully have been taking my allergy medicine. I thought I would push through it. No problem. I went to work in the clinic. It took me two days to finally admit it, I have a cold. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because this week’s newsletter is about authenticity and well, it’s a day late.

There is a difference between being authentic and making excuses. We are all human. We need to bring humanity into our work. With the world captivated by artificial intelligence, we should not forget that it is the human element that moves us and inspires us. My clients today were very gracious when I apologized for coughing over our telehealth visits. Most were understanding and kind. Having a cold is a common experience that everyone can relate to. Too often we hide behind the guise of professionalism.

“For many years, we have fooled ourselves into believing that the workplace is an inappropriate setting for emotions, spiritual language, or beliefs that demonstrate a profound respect and caring for humans. Often, this is a classic case of projection: the things we say that others are not ready for, are the things we are not ready for. Thus, by projection this way we may be protecting out egos but we are imprisoning our souls…The truth is most of us have been intimidated by a secular society and an excess of political correctness that has forced us to hide our true feelings and needs” (Lance Secretan, Inspirational Leadership).

road sign with word authenticity

I have seen posts on social media with people celebrating finally feeling free to bring their whole self to the office. We worry so much if our hair, our clothes, our belief system will turn others off but can I let you into a secret? People want to see the REAL you. I had two clients compliment me on my attire and my hair today. I just threw on one of my favorite shirts and barely combed my hair this morning. I believe what drew them in was my transparency and honesty. I was feeling more vulnerable because I wasn’t feeling well and they threw me a bone. I think that when we let down our guard, letting people in to see the real us, they can relate to us more.

“Marketing research consistently shows that people want brands to be clear about their mission and authentic in their messaging…Viewers want to be able to relate, to admire, to understand, and to identify with at least some facets of your personality…My recommendation is to make sure you believe in the message you’re delivering” (TD Jakes, Don’t Drop The Mic).

When I talk to others, I want them to feel the excitement that I have with being a nurse. My mission is to help others be better for having met me and support them on their journey to wellness or along their career path. My goal is to keep my message clear, concise, and authentic. I admit my “flaws”. I bring up the areas where I am growing and learning more about myself, my business, my life. I don’t just share the highlight reel.

Last November, I decided to do a gratitude exercise. I went live on my Facebook page to share what I was grateful for in my life for 30 days. There were some days I was busy and running from event to event, so my lives were late at night, in my bathrobe and my bonnet. Now, you may say, “I would never have the courage to go live in my bonnet.” Hear me out. I got more engagement letting people see me in the real, tired from the day, and sleepy but I kept my commitment. My message was more impactful because I was authentic. I invited the audience into my world. I am not saying we shouldn’t look our best when we can. I am saying, know your audience. My family and friends know that I can and will dress for the occasion. I am also not afraid to show up when my hair isn’t the best or I am in my very comfortable yoga pants and Spiderman T-shirt. I’m the same person if I am sitting with CEOs of companies or volunteering with the homeless. I am just me. I’m cool with it. In fact, sometimes I feel more empowered when I am in jeans, speaking to the kids at the youth detention center, than in my power suit at a big corporate function. Those kids know that I care. I am incredibly open and honest with them. I allow them to ask me questions and to see the possibilities in their future because someone who looks like them, came from the same kind of neighborhood they live in, with challenges like everyone else is speaking with them. Despite obstacles, I have found a way to make a difference in this world and they feel inspired that they can as well.

How are you crafting your message? How can you be more authentic in your approach? How will authenticity help you connect with your audience? I have people who believe I never sleep and that I have it all together. I can tell you in all honesty, I don’t have it all together all the time. I also like my sleep. I need my sleep to keep going. I can tell you that I have a natural curiosity and drive to learn more, do more, be more. I had to learn to fall down and get back up, and fall down again, and get back up. I had to learn to fail, then recalculate, then try again. You will have some ups and downs in business. Anyone who tells you that they are always on top is either lying or is delusional. We all have bad days. That’s okay. We all mess up. That’s okay. Spill the milk. Drop the ball. Stub your toe. Acknowledge it. Don’t be afraid to say, “I screwed up. I missed the mark. I made a mistake.” Authenticity. Acknowledge it. “I messed up. Let me fix it. Let me make it better.” People will respect you for it. Don’t be afraid to be human.

Tina Baxter with messy hair and a cold today
Tina Baxter with messy hair and a cold today

So let me introduce myself. My name is Tina Baxter. I am a nurse practitioner and I help nurses build and launch their own businesses. I have a cold today. I am feeling better than yesterday. My newsletter is late. Let me make it up to you. I am adding time for those who want to schedule a 1:1 call with me. Comment below if you want to schedule a call. I will send you a link to the schedule.

Upcoming event

Nurses For the Kingdom Event, May 10th and 11th. Nursing is a profession and a calling. We are celebrating nurses during Nurses’ Week and we are taking our profession back for the Kingdom. We are exploring kingdom principles for our profession and for nurse entrepreneurship. This event is open to those who are interested in beating burnout and finding the passion back for their nursing career. Register for the event.

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