I am continuing a series for our newsletter to include a leadership topic along with passing along news in the nursing community. I want to focus on the positive in nursing and leadership. Subscribe to receive notification when our newsletter comes out. I publish twice a month.
How’s your 2025 looking? It is an interesting time in business and in the world. January is bringing a lot of change. I don’t do New Years resolutions but I do set intentions. I set my intention this January that no matter what the news says, I am going to approach the year as a year of possibilities. In keeping with this theme, I have been thinking about the current issues of the day. Record cold temperatures in the Midwest and South, fires in California, and earthquakes in states that don’t usually have them. Amid all of this, I see the resilience of human beings, helping one another, and I am encouraged about the future.
The market continues to fluctuate. The Consumer Prices Index rose in 2024 2.9%, meaning everything costs more. Medical care prices increased 2.8%. According to recent data, in November 2024, inflation was at 2.7%, while wages grew by 4.3%. These are numbers, but what does it really mean when you are talking about the fact that the price of eggs is $6.00 for 18 eggs. (I know because I went to the store today to buy eggs). I’m in the Midwest, temperatures have been below freezing and warming stations have been opened for the unhoused. You see, when I went to the store today to buy my groceries, I realized that though the economy may be tough, I could afford eggs when there are so many who cannot do so. I could complain about the price of eggs or I could find a way to help others afford eggs. Some of my patients are facing the loss of their home, frequenting food pantries, and are living paycheck to paycheck on fixed income. The numbers represent real people. It is not just a figure on a page, it represents your neighbor down the street or your local business owner. Each time I am able to connect a patient or client to a resource or provide help to find a solution to the problem, I am sharing from what I have to better others.

It seems that on social media, all you hear about are the problems we have in society and each side blames the other. So much fighting and negativity, and yet, we don’t hear enough about the good things that are happening. I am thinking of the volunteers who provide labor for the warming stations, the soup kitchens and food pantry volunteers, the nurses, and doctors who after working their shift, still have time to give to their community. It made me ask, what if instead of complaining about the conditions, we focus more on providing the solutions? We look at the world with optimism. I know, I know. You are probably thinking, you are talking from your privilege. What about those who can’t feed their families? But that is precisely my point. It is out of my privilege that I say how can I not share what I have with others in need? Those who have privilege have a greater responsibility to help those who do not have the same advantages. I am not part of the 1%, solidly middle class, but I can recognize that because I can buy $6 eggs, I can share some of my eggs without it costing me too much. James 2:15-18 (NIV) says, “Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accomplished by actions, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith: I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” This is what so many who govern us are saying with their “thoughts and prayers,” yet where is the work? How do we demonstrate our love for our neighbor?

When tragedy strikes, communities come together. There are some of us who live in tragedy every day. Who helps them? I realized a long time ago that if I tried to help everyone, I would end up helping no one because the task is so daunting. What if, instead, we help the one, the next one, and the one after that? What I am saying, let’s get back to taking care of our neighbors instead of shouting at them. What if 2025 becomes the year of, dare I say it, compassion or even love? What if we look to tackle our problems with a fresh lens and dash of optimism? So here is my challenge to you today. What if we look at the future with optimism, and with that newfound optimism, who are you going to help today? Let’s work together. Share below in the comments.
Nursing News

It looks like per diem nursing is here to stay with projections of exponential growth to becoming a $16.4 billion industry by year 2033. Shift work with temporary or supplemental staffing has become popular among nurses due to the flexibility of scheduling and the premium pay. For more information, check out the article at Nurse.org: https://nurse.org/news/per-diem-nursing-market-growth/.
About The Nurse Shark Academy

My mission is for you to own your seat at the table of nurse entrepreneurship, gaining the confidence, skills, and freedom to live your life on your own terms. You will dream big and expand your consciousness as an entrepreneur.
The Nurse Shark Academy show https://thenursesharkacademy.podbean.com/ Interviews nurse entrepreneurs and leaders. Special bonus content available to patrons.
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