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The Power of Mission

I am continuing a series for our newsletter to include a leadership topic along with passing along news in the nursing community. I wanted to focus on the positive in nursing and leadership. Subscribe to receive notification when our newsletter comes out. We publish twice a month.

Merriam-Webster defines mission as “a specific task with which a person or a group is charge; a pre-established and often self-imposed [my emphasis] objective or purpose.” Another definition is that it is a calling or a vocation. What is your mission? What is your objective and purpose? One of my favorite tv shows is Star Trek. Although I loved OG Star Trek, The Next Generation stuck with me as I would hear Captain Jean-Luc Picard say:

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before! (,No%20Man%20Has%20Gone%20Before%22.).

Admit it, you read this and heard Patrick Stewart’s voice as you were reading. I know I did. I can hear the theme song in my head right now. I think I need to binge a few episodes. Oops, I digress.

I’ve been thinking about our mission at The Nurse Shark Academy. Our mission statement:

to expand the consciousness of nurses as experts to reflect their individual and collective power by promoting self-agency through inspiring nurses to dream big, reach far, and soar to new heights in business and the profession of nursing thereby producing a healthier & richer society.

What does this mean? How is our mission influencing our day-to-day operations?

In conversations that I have with reporters, podcast hosts, and others, my consistent message is that nurses are experts in their field and they have great skills to bring to the business arena. It is more than just letting others know that nurses are great. I want nurses to understand that they themselves are great.

This mission statement reflects my research into Margaret Newman’s Health as Expanding Consciousness theory and the understanding that it is the patterns in our lives that shape our experiences. By expanding our understanding of what it means to be a nurse, nurses and others begin to understand the possibilities available to nurses in the entrepreneurial space. It is this mission that keeps me going when I hit a brick wall or there are some obstacles. I recognize that these challenges are temporary because I am sticking with my mission. What is your mission? Are sticking with the mission? Does it help you to remain focused and stick to your principles like the Prime Directive? (Sorry, could not resist another Star Trek reference. Man, I miss this show).

Nursing News

Congratulations to all the recent graduates out there! Woo-hoo!

The Nurse Shark Academy show

Available on Apple, iHeart Radio, Goggle, Samsung, Amazon, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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