I am continuing a series for our newsletter to include a leadership topic along with passing along news in the #nursing community. This series we are focusing on our Be-Attitudes, those attitudes we need to cultivate to win business and life. I wanted to focus on the positive in nursing and leadership. Subscribe to receive notification when our newsletter comes out. We publish twice a month.
I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.- Booker T. Washington
When I think of what it truly means to be exceptional, it is the fortitude to persevere despite the obstacles one faces. It is learning to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and begin again when you fall. It is being told “no” and having the tenacity to keep going until you get the “yes.” It is showing up every day and putting your best foot forward.

One of the earliest lessons I learned from my parents was to try my best. My mother would read my papers, help me to improve my grammar, and before I learned myself, would type my papers. She is the one I think of to review my writing first. She wanted to make sure that I turned in the best assignment possible. Do you remember turning in your paper to your teacher with her critical eye for grammar and composition? Do you remember wanting to get that sticker or gold star of approval? I want you to think back to a time when you really wanted to excel at something and remember what it felt to know that you have truly given your all to that project, goal, game or meet. That same drive that made us get up for practice or to research for a new project, that desire to be exceptional, to go beyond the ordinary and be truly extraordinary is the fuel we should hold on to.
Success isn’t an event—it’s a lifestyle. Dreams are fulfilled when someone performs with excellence day after day.-John Maxwell
Have you made being exceptional a daily habit? Are you actively seeking excellence in all areas of your life? How are you going to adopt the be-attitude of being exceptional today?

Nursing News

In an article by the Washington Post, a Maryland health official resigned after a lawsuit citing the backlog of nursing home inspections and investigations. “A lawsuit filed in May accused OHCQ of violating the Americans With Disabilities Act by failing to inspect facilities and address a backlog of complaints of subpar and even dangerous conditions. According to federal data, Maryland has the second-highest percentage of overdue annual nursing home inspections in the nation, after Kentucky.” See the full article here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/06/20/maryland-health-ohcq-director-resigns/.
An article in the Missouri Independent, reports that the Department of Justice has found that Missouri has violated the rates of persons with a chronic mental illness by placing them in nursing homes in lieu of less restricting environments. “Missouri is violating federal disability law by unnecessarily institutionalizing thousands of adults with mental illness in nursing homes, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a scathing report published Tuesday.” For the full article, https://missouriindependent.com/2024/06/20/missouri-is-breaking-federal-law-by-housing-mentally-ill-in-nursing-homes-doj-finds/.

About The Nurse Shark Academy
My mission is for you to own your seat at the table of nurse entrepreneurship, gaining the confidence, skills, and freedom to live your life on your own terms. You will dream big and expand your consciousness as an entrepreneur.
Our Fall Back in Love with Nursing workshop June 26, 2024. Register at https://www.thenursesharkacademy.biz/event-details/fall-back-in-love-with-nursing-workshop-encore.
Pick up our Nurse Entrepreneur e-book at https://www.thenursesharkacademy.biz/product-page/guide-for-nurse-entrepreneurs-pdf-version.
The Nurse Shark Academy show https://thenursesharkacademy.podbean.com/ Interviews nurse entrepreneurs and leaders. Special bonus content available to patrons.
Available on Apple, iHeart Radio, Goggle, Samsung, Amazon, https://www.thenursesharkacademy.biz/ or wherever you get your podcasts.
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