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Ready, Set, Go. Taking Massive Action.

It's a new year and I hope your holidays were restful because now is the time to take massive action. Every year I take an inventory of where I have been, what worked, what didn't work, and I set my goals and intentions for 2023. Well, 2023 got started with a BANG. After taking some time off for the holidays, it gave a moment to pause, to breathe. I enjoyed spending time with family and friend. It was great just to take some time to unwind. I took time to unplug, watch a few Christmas movies, and just chill.

I had a chance for reset after the stresses of navigating the personal health crises of both my husband and my father, the challenges of running a business, the continued pressure of the pandemic with looming threats of yet another variant, and ultimately, the bereavement in the passing of my father recently. Yet, something wonderful happened. I discovered new strengths that I didn't know I had and I found reserves that helped me to limp into the holiday season.

Then something magical happened. It was as if with the New Year and the passing from one year to the next, I felt a shift in the atmosphere. My mind started to focus on hope and the promise of a bright future. I know that there will continue to be challenges in life. It is inevitable. I find that the scars, the pitfalls, the sour notes, are woven into the fabric of our lives and like our own personal symphony, it colors the landscape of those around us. It is a comforting melody with a richness that embodies both despair and hope. I am grateful for the journey and take comfort in the memories that I have had with my father, as I look to the future with hope. It was that renewed sense of purpose that caused me to dive into the new year with vigor. Ideas just started to flow and I made decisions quickly. I had launched our new podcast right before the break and now I was booking guests. I designed our new website which has been fun for me to test new skills. I am working on an app for the community as well. It has been a productive week. I feel ready to tackle the challenges ahead.

Can you feel it? That intangible thing that is whispering to us from the universe that things are getting better. It was with that hope in my heart that have embarked on a new journey in my business. It is that hope that keeps me focused on the most important things in my life, my family, and the relationships that I treasure. This is what 2022 has taught me and for that, I say "thanks" for the life lessons. What did you learn in 2022 and how will that propel you forward in 2023?

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