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Nursing News You Can Use

The new year is here and 2022 is in the rear view mirror. It may seem like an uphill battle to the next year as we have faced many challenges with inflation, a volatile stock market, and now massive layoffs in the tech industry. As nurses, we have seen the shift from travel nursing gigs with lucrative payouts, to some not so great continued staffing shortages and low morale among the permanent staff. We have had nurses in the news for doing great things, and unfortunately, some in the news for doing some not so great things. As a profession, we have weathered a storm. I would like to say that overall, after reflecting, over the past year, the best is yet to come. We have arrived and we have another chance to make 2023 our best year. Let's keep the momentum going and head start strong. Focus on the end result and keep up the good work.

Set your goals for 2023 and join us for our strategic planning workshop Saturday, January 14, 2023.

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